Functional Medicine Plans
Get Well Plan
For those in a chronically or acutely impaired state of health requiring more intensive care and healing. Your Functional Medicine Team will investigate your current health status, functional chemistry lab screening and any advanced diagnostics we have recommended to gain full understanding of the underlying cause of what is making you ill. This plan includes our guided care through nutrition, exercise, stress management and lifestyle modification. After your initial consult and specialty tests are complete, This 6 month program includes;
Initial Dr. Visit with Nutrition & Protocol Orientation.
Supplement protocol design into Wellevate for convenient & discounted ordering.
3 Health Coach Video Calls.
Mid-plan Re-Eval, follow-up testing & review. (Testing & interpretation paid separately)
Mid-plan nutritional & protocol change & implementation
2 additional Dr. Consultations.
Once per week email +/or text contact if needed.
Individualized Educational Tools, Links & Resources.
Access to supplement dispensary at a special FM discount.
*All labs fees paid separately
*Additional specialty diagnostic testing is often necessary. Lab test fees & Dr's interpretation will be charged separately.
*Supplements purchased through our dispensary at a special FM patient discount.

Yearly Optimal Wellness Plan
Those eligible for this plan have been determined, through their Initial Consultation and specialty testing to be in a stable and satisfactory state of health. This plan offers our optimal health seekers the opportunity to have unparalleled clinical support throughout the year with our Functional Medicine Team, including guidance through nutrition, exercise, stress management and lifestyle modification. This unique 12 month wellness partnership includes;
2 30-60 min. Dr. Consult & exam.
Supplement Protocol Design at the beginning & mid-year.
Mid-year health re-evaluation w/repeat labs, review & protocol changes, if needed. (Lab fee billed separately, approx. $75.)
Four 30 min. Health Coach Calls.
Individualized Educational Tools, Links & Resources with on-going support and communication.
Access to our nutraceuticals & supplements Dispensary at special FM patient discount.
*Labs and any additional diagnostic testing paid separately.
*Additional diagnostics, interpretation & review paid separately.
*Additional Health Coaching available at additional cost.
COST $1800

Don't let poor health keep you on the sidelines any longer.
Get started here...
Once you have fully reviewed our information and fees, fill out our HEALTH ASSESSMENT forms. They will be reviewed by our team. If you are a good candidate for our program, you will be contacted.